
Digital VS Offset Printing - Choose the Right Solution for You

Posted On: Nov-22-2019 digital-vs-offset-printing-choose-the-right-solution-for-you

It is a quite complicated question for answering as both printing processes are remarkable at their place as both have different capabilities and procedures. While it is right that the accurate choice of printing technique for your task can save you time, expenses, and hassle, you will have to make a decision on a case-by-case base whether offset or digital printing technology is best suitable for your printing requirements. Basically, there are three major printing technologies that are used for printing, but these are for different purposes. In modern-day printing practices the use of screen printing is reduced due to advanced processes of other techniques, but these both are in action.

What is Offset Printing?

In the offset printing process, aluminum made plates are used to transfer an image on a rubber blanket that transfers it on the printing paper. The reason behind calling it to offset is its indirect process of transferring inks on the paper sheet. It is also called lithography and is extensively used for high volume printing jobs, but it takes a more considerable amount of time to complete the task.

Advantages and Disadvantage:

The offset process contains a large number of advantages that make it an important tool for printing large quantities of printing jobs. It provides high resolution and quality images that are the major concern of any printer even it takes time to produce. It is feasible for multiple kinds of printing surfaces like wood, clothes, metal, and leather to produce an efficient solution. This procedure offers better color fidelity which means you will get the right balance of color and design. An offset printer is usually well-furnished for the additional dispensation of your print task, meaning pruning, ordering, folding, imprinting, or trimming your print product. Even it is a very beneficial and outstanding solution for more significant tasks but is unsuitable for smaller printing jobs as about 1000 units is the minimum quantity that it produces. Furthermore, for the urgent printing jobs, it is not feasible as it takes a long time for preparing printing plates at least you have to wait for about 24 hours to get your job done.

What Is Digital Printing Process?

In digital printing, there is no long process of plates and rollers, but it uses toners and liquid inks to do a print job. This process is quite feasible for smaller printing jobs. If you have LaserJet or inkjet hookups with your computer, it means that you have a digital printer. These may vary in sizes but contain the same technology and printing process.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

The most crucial factor that is considered for the feasibility of a printing process is its turnaround time, and digital printers have the capability of instant printing with the least turnaround time. Here in this process, every print is identical and risks you less for any kind of imbalances in water and inks. Comparative it is cheaper for small printing jobs but offset is better and cost-efficient for larger jobs.  In this process, a printer can easily change the information and control the process easily. Along with these advantages, it also contains some drawbacks as we as it proves costly for larger jobs, low in image quality, less color fidelity are significant concerns for any printer regarding digital printing.

How to Select the Right Option?

It is quite easy to understand the appropriateness of printing technology according to the need of your printing job. But if you are not assured about selecting appropriate printing process, here are some points that can assist you in choosing the right option.

  1. If you have a bigger task like more than 500 or 1000 printing units, the offset printing process will be the right solution.
  2. If you need a rapid printing solution, the digital process is the best technology with a faster turnaround.
  3. It also depends on the type of printing and even on the printing surfaces as for plastic cards and marketing handouts the digital solution is an effective while, offset process is more advantageous for more copious amounts of such products.
  4. Furthermore, some other factors like prices, quality, and paper materials are also specific things that help you to determine the best choice for a printing solution.

Summing it Up

From the above discussion about selecting the right option among both printing processes, we can conclude that there are different scenarios in which both are the best option to be selected as for large jobs first one is the perfect choice due to cost-effectiveness and perfect image quality but on another hand long turnaround time direct minds towards the digital process as this effective for smaller jobs with faster turnaround time. So we cannot deny the importance of any single process. The selection of process majorly depends on the criteria of your printing task, and we can make a choice accordingly. Both are helpful for different tasks so no one can answer about the proper selection of any single one. If you are looking for the right solution, estimate its features and requirements, it will allow you to select the right choice. 



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